Equipment Appraisal Blog | Understanding Machinery Appraisals

Equipment Appraisal: Intended Use of the Report

Posted by Equipment Appraisal Services on Mon, May 27, 2024 @ 07:30 AM

Professional appraiser discussing valuation report intened use

Specifying the use of an appraisal report is another requirement that accredited/certified appraisers need to conform with. Recently, we discussed identifying the intended report users, and the actual use of the report can be indirectly related to this. The importance of specifying the intended use of the report is primarily to protect the appraiser should their report somehow make its way into the hands of a third party unrelated to the original stated use or the intended users themselves.

Once the appraiser delivers their report to the client, the level of control they have as to its future distribution begins to lessen. It is not uncommon for the appraisal report to be later sent by the client to various other parties, some of whom may or may not be intended users.

One example of this would be where the client is a financial institution, which then sends the report to the target company being appraised and under consideration for approval to lend against the equipment as collateral for a loan. If the financing arrangement is not finalized, the bank’s client, who now has a copy of the report, will seek an alternative to obtain the financing they still need. Even though they were not the appraiser’s client, they will send the report to the new bank or leasing company, who in turn will review it and potentially contact the appraiser asking questions about it.

The appraiser needs to make it clear that the parties now involved are unrelated to the original client or original use of the report, however, if they would like to engage in an updated report specifically addressed to them, that might be a workable option.

Another example would be where an appraisal client who owns a company has all their equipment appraised for the intended use of selling the business. After the report is delivered, the sale never transpires, and the client decides later on to use the report to try and obtain a loan against the value of the machinery.

The appraiser might then receive a call from the bank they are working with that wants to use the report as the basis for financing. The appraiser needs to make it clear that the report was not written for the purpose of financing. but the potential exists to work with the bank by updating and expanding the report to satisfy the needs of a loan approval. This would be under a new engagement with a new client, similar to the prior example.

I have also seen instances where appraisal reports get drawn into litigation involving the company’s assets that were valued for a completely different purpose prior to the legal case. The appraiser must treat this the same way, making it clear to all parties involved that, even though the prior report was not intended to support the case at hand, they would be willing to assist in the situation. New discussions will need to take place to develop an updated report with a new intended use.

Tags: accredited appraisers, appraisal report, equipment valuation