Machinery and Equipment Appraisals - Equipment Leasing and Financing

Providing banks, leasing and lending companies across all markets & industries with accurate, supportable machinery & equipment appraisals.
Understanding the real market value of underlying collateral in any financial services transaction is a critical component of the decision-making process when leasing companies and lenders work with their clients. This is especially important for businesses that have a substantial amount of machinery & equipment as part of their asset-based capital structure.

EAS has much of its roots in machinery & equipment leasing and financing, and extensive experience working within all sectors of this industry as a valuation expert. Whether you are working on approving a new loan, refinance/restructure, lease origination, residual study, liquidation effort or need support in a business dispute, bankruptcy, or related litigation case, we can provide the appraisal and consulting services needed to assist you.
Our professionals will discuss the appropriate levels of value required for leasing and financing transactions including Fair Market Value, Orderly Liquidation, and Forced Liquidation. We look at actual market data to estimate useful life, replacement cost new, and how machinery and equipment will depreciate over time in the real world.
We are an independent, objective valuation firm that understands the resale market for tangible machinery & equipment assets across all industries and business types. Our accredited appraisers develop valuation reports that comply with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). We are available now to discuss your specific transaction requirements and provide you with the support you need for success.
Need an accurate, business appraisal to compliment your machinery and equipment appraisal? The professionals at our sister company Business Valuation Specialists can help!