Dealing in the international trade business, you may have a need to carefully document the current value of used machinery & equipment, especially if the bill of sale is not available. How do you support this value to ensure your assets pass through customs. One option is to obtain an equipment appraisal to back up your transaction, however, it is important the appraiser has the accreditation and experience necessary to complete the valuation.
Here are some details on how an equipment appraisal from an accredited or certified equipment appraiser can help provide documentation that will make your customs experience go more smoothly:
To avoid potential delays and troubles with the import & export customs process involving machinery & equipment, considering an appraisal that supports the current value of your assets can go a long way to alleviating this. The appraisal report follows certain methodologies and procedures that are universally recognized, giving custom’s officials a higher comfort level, leading to less scrutiny and avoiding potential delays in clearing the machinery for transit.
The legal paperwork can be overwhelming during the Import and export process, and if not completed properly, can lead to all kinds of delays and additional expenses with customs. With an equipment valuation in hand, completed by an experienced accredited appraiser, supporting the current value, you can resolve many of these situations in a timely fashion.
An accredited or certified appraisal report is better able to stand up to scrutiny than as it is clearly independent and unbiased. Working with a less experienced appraiser could lead to a higher level of scrutiny as the report will not hold up to the accepted standards used in the valuation field. The accreditation and certification process includes instruction in standardized appraisal methodology, and the appraiser signs a certification letter as part of every valuation performed.
When your business deals with machinery in the international marketplace, consider the engagement of an experienced equipment appraiser to assist you in the documentation process. At, we would be happy to work with you in this endeavor.