Companies in many diverse forms of commerce such as construction, automotive manufacturing, tool and die fabrication, aerospace, and foundries often rely on the use of heavy-duty industrial equipment and freight vehicles to get the job done. Quite often during the course of ordinary business, an accurate accounting or estimation of the value of that equipment is required. That is when your company needs the services of a professional industrial equipment appraiser.
The need for an accurate equipment appraisal might be based on a business reason, or it could be required by a bank, lender, government entity, court, or accountant. At these times a simple book value or “guesstimate” of the equipment value simply will not do. An industrial equipment appraiser provides an accurate, legally defensible estimate of the value of equipment in accordance with the guidelines and Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). Here are just a few of the many reasons why your business might need the services of an industrial equipment appraiser:
- Business is good: If you are thinking of merging, selling or expanding your business, you want to have a good handle on how much it is worth. A certified appraisal gives you leverage with potential buyers, and is often required by banks to justify collateral estimates if you decide to take out a loan to finance your strategic growth. Effective in January 2014, the Small Business Administration updated and clarified its Standard Operating Procedures regarding appraisals and valuations accepted for its Lender and Development Company Loan Programs.
- Business is bad: Sometimes it happens that a business just doesn’t work out, and you need to have an appraisal performed for a partnership dissolution or bankruptcy filing.
- Always be prepared: We never expect the worst-case scenario to happen, but we certainly need to be prepared. An industrial accident or natural disaster might occur which would require definitive proof of the equipment valuation for insurance reimbursement purposes. If you can’t prove what the equipment is worth, the insurance company might be left to its own best guesses and that seldom works in your favor.
- Tax and accounting purposes: Quite often your accountant will request an equipment appraisal to back up tax return and depreciation schedule information. Also, businesses that are converting from a C to an S Corporation will require an up-to-date appraisal to verify the value of the company at the time of the conversion.
- Shareholder accounting and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance: Public companies have an even higher degree of fiduciary responsibility to shareholders. They also have to be in compliance with the Corporate Responsibility Act of 2002, which was designed to improve financial disclosures from corporations. Provisions of this Act require increased corporate responsibility for financial statement accuracy and impose severe criminal penalties for non-compliance.
- Personal needs: In certain companies, personal needs will sometimes overlap with business functions. If an owner or major shareholder is going through a divorce, setting up an estate, or creating a personal trust, an accurate accounting of the business assets and equipment will be required.
- Lawsuits: Businesses that are splitting up, or those that are called to defend themselves in a court situation, will need to justify the stated value of the company.
An accredited appraiser takes many factors into consideration to arrive at an accurate equipment appraisal. The skills and experience of an unbiased industrial equipment appraiser will result in a Certified Appraisal Report that you can rely on with confidence to meet any individual reporting requirement.