When you're getting ready to add another company to your umbrella or become part of a larger organization, it can seem as though there are a million tiny details to track and complete before the process can move forward. Though some of these may be options, one vital task that must take place before final negotiations is a merger & acquisition fixed asset appraisal. This process allows you to determine the value of your business' equipment before you enter into the final agreement. Because many types of machinery don't have their real value properly reflected in your accounting books, it's of vital importance that you have these items appraised. Here's more information on how to use this type of appraisal during the process.
How to Use Merger & Acquisition Fixed Asset Appraisal for Equipment in Your Business
Let's start for a minute by talking about how most business owners look at the value of their equipment. To start, they'll look at the accounting books. if a piece of equipment has lasted significantly longer than was expected, it may have a higher value than is shown on the books, such as a truck that has been depreciated over five years, but is still running after ten. The books do not show a value for five years, yet the truck continues to produce value for the company, and lowers the business' liabilities because it hasn't been replaced with another truck that would require a loan to be taken out. The book value is zero, so how do you determine the value of that truck? Do you look at classified ads, see what is offered by the local dealership or just take a guess at what the value is? Any of these methods can be flawed, driven by market conditions that may not favor your vehicle.
The best way to ascertain this value is through an independent asset appraisal, which tells you what the equipment is worth in the moment. This allows you to approach a merger or acquisition negotiation with a solid idea of what that equipment is worth. The appraisal report gives you a position of power from you can negotiate, allowing you to work towards a better offer for your company by establishing which company - the merger or the acquisition - has the stronger or weaker position. With this knowledge in hand, it is much easier to negotiate the best possible deal for your business, whether that has to do with retaining key employees, getting a larger profit share or similar aspects that may be very desirable for both sides. Entering into a negotiation without this information is much like going to a used car lot and expecting that you'll come out on top with no work on your part.
By taking the time to have a merger & acquisition fixed asset appraisal performed on your business' equipment before you get into negotiations, you'll have a much better idea of what these assets are actually worth in today's market. However, it's very important that you only work with a certified equipment appraisal specialist who has experience in your industry. By doing so, you can ensure that you're receiving an independent third-party opinion on your equipment's value, rather than a value that is influenced by the possibility of a sale or similar factor.